The Charles H. Barrows STEM Academy, a regional magnet elementary and middle school in North Windham, is now accepting applications for students from Windham and surrounding towns for fall 2025 classes. Barrows offers students a high quality education with a rigorous focus on science, technology, engineering, and math in a stimulating setting. Barrows offers inquiry-based learning, full-day Kindergarten, and many extracurricular activities. To complete the online application or schedule a tour, visit by this Friday, February 23.
7 months ago, Windham Public Schools
LAST CHANCE – COMPAÑEROS LOTTERY CLOSING TOMORROW! Apply and attend your Virtual Information Session before it’s too late.
Compañeros, Windham’s unique Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8 Two-Way Dual Language Program, is accepting student applications. Compañeros is an alternative program dedicated to building language proficiency in Spanish and English, cultural exchange, and academic excellence. To complete your online application and attend your Virtual Information Session, visit by this Friday, February 23 at 3pm. Call 860.465.2515 or email with questions.
7 months ago, Windham Public Schools
ÚLTIMA OPORTUNIDAD - ¡LA LOTERÍA DE COMPAÑEROS CIERRA MAÑANA! Solicite y asista a su Sesión Informativa Virtual antes de que sea tarde.
Compañeros, el Programa de Lenguaje Dual de Dos Vías único de Windham para grados Pre-Kindergarten a octavo, está aceptando solicitudes estudiantiles. Compañeros es un programa alternativo dedicado a desarrollar el dominio de lenguaje en inglés y español, el intercambio cultural, y la excelencia académica. Para completar su solicitud en línea y asistir a su Sesión Informativa Virtual, visite antes de este viernes el 23 de febrero a las 3pm. Llame al 860.465.2515 o envié un correo electrónico a con preguntas.
7 months ago, Windham Public Schools
La Academia STEM Charles H. Barrows, una escuela magnet regional de nivel elemental a intermedio en North Windham, está aceptando solicitudes para estudiantes de Windham y de los pueblos cercanos para otoño del 2025. Barrows ofrece a los estudiantes una educación de alta calidad con un enfoque riguroso en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, y matemáticas en un ambiente vigorizante. Barrows ofrece aprendizaje basado eninvestigación, Kínder de día completo, y una amplia gama de actividades extracurriculares. Para completar la solicitud en línea o tomar una gira, visite antes de este viernes el 23 de febrero.
7 months ago, Windham Public Schools
Solicite hoy para la lotería de Barrows & Compañeros:
Buenas tardes familias de las Escuelas Públicas de Windham,
El período de solicitud para las loterías del año escolar 2024-25 para nuestros Programa Compañeros y la Academia STEM C. H. Barrows está actualmente abierto y cerrará el viernes 23 de febrero del 2024. Solo se aceptarán solicitudes en línea – ¡visite para completar su aplicación hoy! Favor de también visitar nuestro sitio web para opciones de asistencia con la solicitud en persona.
Compañeros es el programa de Lenguaje Dual de Dos Vías único de Windham de Pre-Kindergarten a grado 8. Compañeros se dedica a desarrollar el dominio de lenguaje en inglés y español, el intercambio cultural, y la excelencia académica. Todos los solicitantes tienen que asistir a una Sesión Informativa Virtual.
La Academia STEM C. H. Barrows es una escuela premiada de nivel primario e intermedio “magnet” regional en North Windham que se enfoca en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, y matemáticas. La tecnología y el equipo moderno de Barrows brindan a los estudiantes las herramientas necesarias para aplicar habilidades de pensamiento crítico efectivas a cualquier reto. Comuníquese con la escuela para fijar un recorrido en persona.
WPS-Solicite para la lotería a la Academia STEM C. H. Barrows y la lotería al Programa Compañeros hoy-Visite
8 months ago, Windham Public Schools
Apply for the Compañeros & Barrows Lottery Today
Good afternoon Windham Public School families,
The lottery application period for the 2024-25 school year for both our Compañeros Program and C. H. Barrows STEM Academy is currently open and will close on Friday, February 23, 2024. visit to apply today! Please also visit our website for in-person application assistance options.
Compañeros is Windham’s unique Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8 Two-Way Dual Language Program. Compañeros is dedicated to building language proficiency in Spanish and English, cultural exchange, and academic excellence. All applicants must attend a Virtual Information Session.
C. H. Barrows STEM Academy is an award-winning regional magnet elementary and middle school in North Windham that focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The modern technology and equipment at Barrows provide students with the tools needed to apply effective, critical thinking skills to any challenge.
WPS-Apply for the C. H. Barrows STEM Academy lottery and the Compañeros Program lottery today-Visit
8 months ago, Windham Public Schools
Enjoy some cute pictures of our kids making pictures for the Military.
10 months ago, Keila Galarza
EHS parent event this morning! :)
11 months ago, Keila Galarza
EHS children in the Panda Room listening to the teacher Dawn, while she was singing to them.
Windham Public Schools Transportation Routes 2023-24
about 1 year ago, Windham Public Schools
Thank you to all of our WECC families who joined us yesterday for our Family Fun Night And Art Show. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy from the event.
over 1 year ago, Keila Galarza
Thank you to all the families that joined us last night for our pizza dinner and our Math and Literacy Night. Here are a couple of pictures for you to enjoy :)
over 1 year ago, Keila Galarza
Good morning WECC families.
Enjoy some cute pictures of our kiddos today during breakfast.
over 1 year ago, Keila Galarza
Our EHS staff are United with our families and students.
over 1 year ago, Keila Galarza
Happy World Autism Awareness Day / Feliz Día Mundial del Autismo
over 1 year ago, Windham Early Childhood Center
Having fun outside with our friends.
over 1 year ago, Windham Early Childhood Center
National Social Emotional Learning Week at WECC
over 1 year ago, Keila Galarza
Friendship day at Early Head Start/ Dia de la Amistad en Early Head Start
Parents, children, and staff celebrating friendship.
over 1 year ago, Keila Galarza
EHS staff and families had lunch with the children, and we are all thankful to have such a great group of parents and staff as we all make education and school and family connection a priority.
almost 2 years ago, Windham Early Childhood Center